Be better - mom, wife, friend, daughter
Shed some LBs
Stop being a procrastinator - I do this on the daily
Be healthier
Go to bed on time (and by "on-time", I mean before 11pm..mama is tired)
Be more diligent daily for my to-do list
Stop procrastinating
Go to church on the regular. My babies love it, and I get lazy. #life #nomoreexcuses
Keep my calendar up to date! Write EVERYTHING down
Blog - I read mamas blogs everyday. I really can't stop. I feel like I get free, non-judgemental, honest, life worthy, inspirational, sad, happy advice EVERYDAY! Sometimes writing stuff down, it helps to sort through the crazy. AND you don't feel alone in your battles.
Photo credit:
MC started Kindergarten and had a great year! She earned 6 certificates at Kindergarten graduation, the most in her class! I am so proud of how far she has come and how grown up she is becoming. When she started Kindergarten, there were some separation issues that we had to work through. I
Now, for my little stinker, AB. She is on handful of a little girl. There is NEVER a dull moment with her. She is the busiest little bee. She is in preschool and really loves it! The teacher always say how good she is, and polite and sweet and all the sugar you can eat! But when we get home.....she has saved up all of her shananigans and lets loose! Very independent, smart, really funny, stubborn, happy, awake a lot, early riser, plays in the dirt, has the most bumps and bruises in all the land, and keeps me on my toes 24/7. And not the organized keep you on your toes. It's the forget your purse, permission slip, kids lunches, teeth brushing, snacks, titi (her beloved blanket), and everything keep you on your toes. Going back to my "things I want to do" Erin Condren Life Planner, will be here very soon and I can't wait to make my first mark in it! I can just smell the organization!
We have had an awesome summer! Lots of pool time and playtime with friends. A couple of beach trips and staying up late. Once school starts again, soon. Like, in 3 weeks, things will be back to schedules and routines. I live for routines! If won the lottery, I would still get up everyday and go to a job. If there's nothing getting me out of the bed, I would be there till noon. And I've wasted the day. So getting up at 5-6am, is not a problem. Up dressed and out the door, I can do anything. Maybe. Once I get my life planner. And get my life straight.
I do hope to keep this up and maybe somebody will want to read. My mama says, we will always look back and miss a lot of the crazy times. So, when I do that, I will come back to this blog. I don't want to be too normal...that's boring. But be just enough crazy, to tell our story!
Ya'll come back now, ya hear!
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